In collaboration with
For many people, staying politically informed can be stressful. In 2020, that’s an understatement. Here at GoodPolitics we think it’s important for people to keep up with what’s going on in the world, and also know how to manage their mental health. So we’ve partnered with NAMI Central Texas to put together four tips for how to do that.
Engage in Self-Care: As we face unprecedented chronic stress from the perfect storm of a pandemic and a highly polarized political climate, don't underestimate the importance of engaging in basic self-care: prioritize sleep, nutrition, exercise/movement and positive human (or pet or both!) connection.
Manage your News (and Social Media) Consumption: Constant access to news can be addictive and detrimental. Schedule specific times of the day for news consumption and limit it to a reasonable amount. Like any "all you can eat" buffet, you have to manage how much you take in or you will find yourself sick from too much!
Take Action: Don't get overwhelmed by the plethora of options for taking action. Pick one or two things you're going to do and stick with that. Taking action helps people feel less vulnerable and connects us to a larger purpose which can be comforting in these challenging times.
Disengage When Necessary: There are some people with whom you may not be able to engage in a civil, respectful and open political conversation. It's okay to disengage from the conversation or change the subject.